Gallivanters Meadow

Being interactive outdoors and in nature has huge benefits on both our physical and mental wellbeing.

Designed to be both a pony trek area and a wild(ish) place for energetic youngsters and stressed adults wanting to connect with the outdoors, our Gallivanters Grove is a bit of a forest school, as well as a bush-craft and do-your-own-thing area.

Plus it's a place to complete Pony Club country, animal, camping, carpentry, den-building, survival and fire badges.

Gallivanters day camp offers children the opportunity to organise themselves - with some discreet supervision!

School and everyday living in West London is usually highly regulated for children, allowing them little space or opportunity to create their own schedules, decide their own actions or choose their own forms of creativity. Independence and resilience and team work can be delayed (impeded/ blocked) Gallivanters Teepee Village is a day camp, formed around fire pit and sitting logs, that allows children to shape their own little community and, together, decide on living tasks. They will be foraging for their own food, making some additional shelters from wood, laying fires, cooking, and deciding their own teams and tasks by themselves.

Gallivanters is a large grove, a safe walled site, shared with Ealing Riding School and its facilities and car park. A teepee day village has been set up for spring and summer - we open at the beginning of Easter.


Gallivanters Terryfying Trail
Thursday 31st October 18:00-19:30

If you dare come and do the Gallivanters Meadow Terrifying Trail!

Will you survive, all by yourself, the 100m Trail of Dark Horror?

Free Hire of one (weak) torchlight. Strong nerves recommended.

£10 per person


The Wild Tree House Stay & Play

Thursdays 10:30 - 12:00

Up to 2 children of 2 to 8 years old per booking.

Price: £10

Forest School stay & play for 2-8 years old. Each week at Gallivanters Meadow a child's mind will be filled with nature arts & crafts, bugs, discoverry foraging, team-work games, animal care & campfire cooking.

Gentleness, fitness, competence, social skills and mental health benefits are the emphasis.


The Dotty Club

Fridays & Saturdays 9:30 - 11:00

All welcome from 7 to 2 year old.

Price: £10 per family (up to 2 children)
£5 add-on available for more than 2 children

Our lovely Shetland pony Dotty welcomes children and adults to stay and play in our Gallivanters Meadow. You get to meet our small ponies, and hear about their lives and groom & care for them under expert supervision for about half an hour. Then you can stay & play in our Gallivanter Meadow with nanny/ parent responsibility for play on our treehouses, mud kitchen and horsebox house. This is an excellent pre-ride meet the pony experience for 2- 7 year olds.


Gallivanters Meadow Camp (3 days)

10:00 - 16:00

All welcome from 14 to 4½ year old.

Price: £195 per child

Tuesdays-Thursdays (during school holidays)

Getting dirty and being free in the outdoors is every child's right and duty!

Children are taught now about ecosystems and bio-diversity but these ideas can stay largely in the classroom.

In our Gallivanters Grove we join all the ideas together and see how all parts of the eco-system work together, with a little bit of theory and a lot of practice. Expect soil study, beetle safaris, looking after animals, planting and teamwork, wood whittling, tree climbing, fire making, bushcraft.

Children become wild, resilient and independent!

Three days of freedom enjoying everything the Riding Yard and Gallivanter Meadow has to offer.  The walled site allows children a great sense of freedom with discreet supervision.

  • Living in Teepee Village – planning and creating your own community settlement for the week.
  • Learning self–sustaining living – fire-making, foraging, cooking water-drawing, and calico cotton robe making and laundry.
  • Animal care of ponies, dogs, puppies, goats and chickens.  Dog agility training. Goat herding And riding if desired.
  • Vintage horse-box painting and complete fitting out as a seasonal shelter for all.
  • Bushcraft – wood whittling, fire-making, cooking on fire,  bramble picking & jam making, log walking, bridge-making, tug-of-war, compass orienteering and survival & first aid skills.

Book here for 3 to 5 September

Book here for 22 to 24 October

Book here for 29 to 31 October

Born to Be Wild! Day Camp

10:00 - 16:00

All welcome from 14 to 4½ year old.

Price: £75 per child

Book Here

Golden Barn Wood Whack

Wednesdays 16:30 - 18:00

Price: £32 per child

Suitable for children from 6 up, boys and girls, who like to make things, want to do practical things with their hands, and be in a country outside environment. The opposite of screen time.  Creative immersion, manual skills outdoors.

Gallivanters has a lot of wood (the owner is also a country tree surgeon) and last year when we started Gallivanters, we included wood whittling as part of the activities. So many wanted to spend longer there, and to come back  to do it again we have developed what youngsters can do with wood and around wood. 

Children should bring old gloves. We will supply the rest (knives, boards, saws, hammers, nails, screwdrivers, weaving hurdles, pliers, chisels and drills) and provide safety session on all tools.

Coaches are DBS carpenters and joiners who work with outdoor material.

Tree – hugging. Physical tree-climbing and a bit of arboreal theory. Plus how to live in trees.

Log-splitting demo from the experts. How to swing an axe. What different woods are good for – function and form.  And how trees work.

Stage 1 - Starting with wood whittling. Entry Level. Advanced level.

Stage 2 - Elementary furniture –making and object creation  Log seats and tables. Sailing boats

How to make a fire – the right wood, in the right order. With marshmallows!


Fridays 10:00 - 13:00 (during school holidays)

Price: £39 per child


wood adult
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Gallivanters Meadow